Lads & lasses, girls & guys, ladies and gentlemen!

Today, February 14, is Valentine's day. What better opportunity to give your lady or your prince charming a treat and show her or him that (s)he's special, very special indeed!
Check out our collection of cards or send her a self-composed message. If you want to give her a real treat, you can even send her flowers through us, which we assure you will reach your prince or princess in the finest form and best condition.
Wishing you all a great, happy and joyful Valentine's day!

14.03.22 For almost two weeks we had problems with accepting payments, not all people could pay. Now it is solved and you can pay with credit cards and other methods of payment.

02.07.21 Dear members!
Great news: you can have safer dating now- we implemented the video and selfie verification on the site. All members can do it . It is done via Telegram. Just link the profile with our Telegram bot and follow the instructions.

27.05.21 If you have not tied your account to telegram yet, think about it. Users now can receive notifications about new letters and about new users to their telegram chat. You will receive notifications about new letters and new users, matching your criteria , the same minute as they appeared on the site. Link to telegram now
if you do not have Telegram:
Download Telegram from Google Play
Download Telegram from App Store


Dear members, users and visitors of our page,
The drastic developments in connection with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has lead to exacerbating circumstances in worldwide, especially in China, Europe and the USA, where most states have reduced public transport to a minimum and are now deciding whether a general curfew in the Common Area is necessary in order to contain the speedy spread of the COVID-19. During this very weekend the death toll worldwide has risen to above 13000 with the peak still to come.

As a responsible operator of a serious business, we naturally are also very concerned about this matter and take it to heart very seriously. This is why we call upon you to resist the temptation of meeting in real life and discourage you from even attempting to engage in short-term visits or stays. Any action that increases social mobility, such as long-distance train journey, flights or car rides from town to town disproportionately also increases the risk of either infecting others or being infected by others.

There is an unequivocal understanding about the dangers that lure in the spread of COVID-19.

Please understand that we for this matter, have taken upon the measure to remove posts that publicly promote travelling, advertise meetings on the pinboard or appeal to travelling, meetings or gatherings in the forum. The pandemia simply is too dangerous for us to either stand by or ignore it.

You would be putting yourselves at risk with that risk being on an unequally higher scale, if you have children.
We wish you a great time on the website, with plenty of opportunity to interact, make friends and exchange ideas.
Remain healthy, take good care of yourselves and your families!
With the best of wishes,
Your DMPlanet Team

24.12.19 Dear members, We have with immediate effect started removing nicknames and fictional IDs, and have begun replacing them with coded ID numbers.
As there has there has been an immediate urgency to it, we are now informing you that this step is necessary for two reasons and has brought with it the following changes: Scamming and stalking have recently sadly become a much greater trouble and risk than before. Computerised IDs offer greater protection from such threats by making it much more difficult to hack into accounts and thus provide you with greater safety of your data. In the same event, we have moved all logins from social media to a newer and safer system which feature superior data processing and doesn’t show any pop up windows anymore.
We had complaints that stalkers used identity tags in order to procure contact details of our members. We vouch for data protection and the safety of your information you entrust us with. Your trust in our website and services make our website stand apart from numerous others. It also is the basis of quality communication and enjoyable interaction. Stalking and molesting people have no place with us and are subject to a zero tolerance policy.
We do not allow full real names to be on display on the publicly visible parts of the profile but have had to alter, rectify and even remove accounts in order to meet our standards and compliance.
Your feedback to us is always welcome as it offers us the great chance to improve wherever needed the most and where you as a member of our network have direct influence on what steps we take and which changes you consider fit and necessary. We wish you all a pleasant and pleasurable time on our website and hope you will enjoy the services we provide for you to an even greater extent than before! Your DMPlanet Management Team

30.11.18 Exciting news for all of our custom members, that is for YOU! To make dating, chatting, searching and browsing more pleasurable, we have increased the sizes of avatars. They're larger, bigger, better and more vibrant. This will make it easier for you to search and find other members, and most importantly to identify who you match.

Have a great time dating and matchmaking on DatingPlanet!
Your DatingPlanet team


Important changes concerning data protection as of 2018

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) includes the following changes (in a nutshell):

- obligation to delete entrusted data

- opt-ins

- transparency

- portability

- the obligation to notify

- a centralised data protection authority (for the entire European Union Zone)

- International control, surveillance and supervision

- law of applicability

- fines and fees

- administration

- protection of minors

1) The duty to delete data

Enterprises are henceforth under the obligation to delete data upon request. If a user entrusts a company or an enterprise with a their data, he can demand its deletion. This is true and valid, unless there are legal reasons that require the prolongued storage of information.

2) The obligation to notify

If any data loss occurs, the company or enterprise is obliged to report this loss within a time frame of 24 hours to the Centralised Supervisory Authority.

3) The Centralised Supervisory Authority

Control to enforce data protection has also changed. Henceforth, data protection is the matter of centralised supervisory authorities. This gives companies the chance to report and enquire faster and more effectively.

4) International Control

It is not only possible for us but also desired to actively engage in counter-measures against the misuse and abuse of data or report any violation of data protection. We have been reporting since May 2018 and will continue to do so to ensure and safeguard data protection on website and for our services. Any breaches or violations will be pursued internationally.

5) Applicability

The applicability of law exceeds the physical boundaries of the European Union. Any company, that has its seat outside the European Union but operates within the EU, is subject to the GDPR.

6) Fines and fees

We explicitly bring it to your attention that fines and fees for the violation of data protection increase significantly.

7) Administration

Our administration and staff are now under the obligation to report to the Centralised Supervisory Authority.

8) Protection of youth and minors

Minors need to be protected further and especially. In principal an agreement only assumes legal status as of the age of 16. However, we require a minimum age of 18 for any user to register or anyone to subscribe to our services.

9) Declaration of data protection, updated 20 August 2018

Our new declaration of data protection is in complete and exact alignment with the GDPR of the EU. Read our latest version here

16.03.18 Dear friends and members,

Here comes our release of the new PC version. For all MEMBERS who registered before 16 March 8.00 +0 GMT, we continue to show the old PC version.
If you see the old PC version, you can check out whether the new one is more convenient for you and if yes, you can switch to it in your Settings/ Additional. After your next login, you see the version you have chosen.
Some of the features of the new version:
- you can now have a new search "My matches". In this search you can search members who answer your criteria that you have filled in the section "My partner", plus members who search you, plus who is online and who is new (within 7 days after registration).
- You can see members whom you rated top in the contest, and who rated you top in the contest
- Pay attention to the section 'Our recommendation". You could miss some of our interesting features or interesting possibilities and here, the site analyses it and give you some personal recommendations.
-In the tab "About me" you can see who can see you, see your photos and other important stuff. It will help you understand if you could insert wrong some information and that's why have less attention from other members than you could.

13.03.18 Dear members,
We are happy to announce that our new mobile version of home page is done, ready and active now. Check it out and have a look at the many new features that we have designed for you and which will help you to get better results.

Some of them include:

1) You can now search "My matches". In this search, you can find people who match all your criteria which you have filled in the section "My partner", plus people who search you. The greatest new feature is that you can combine this with “Who is online” now and “Who is new” (which lists all members registered 7 days prior to your search).

2) You can see members whom you rated top in the contest, as well as those who rated you top in the contest!
3) Pay attention to the section 'Our recommendation". Keep track of some of our interesting features or interesting possibilities, as our strong recommender function gives you some personalized recommendations.

3) The tab "About me" shows you which members can see you, your photos and your other important information. This serves as a great self check, as you can see, if you have inserted all your information correctly and if it is the way you wish it to be. It also allows you to work on it faster and more easily to get more attention from other members which is what you want.

Our next big move is to make this version the main one in the nearest future, so that you have it on your pc too, and can enjoy all the new features in full. Of course, you can also retain the old PC version if you wish it.
Have a great start into the week! We wish a lot of success to everybody!

13.02.18 Dear members,

In the wake of Valentine's Day we have done some magic! As we are working on a new home for our mobile version and with our work in progress, we have already accomplished some small but extremely useful changes that will help you to enjoy our site even more!
You can now search all people who match your search criteria with ALL the goals which you have (instead of running several searches one by one)
PLUS you can now search people who are online now together with all the search criteria.

Give it a go and apply several different criteria PLUS search (only) your matches online.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and advantages. Try then, check them and see for yourself.
Enjoy your time on our site. Good luck and prepare for a good time!

19.01.18 Dear members and friends,

as you may have noticed we have been working to make the functional changes on your behalf to make your experience on our website more fun and even more enjoyable for you.
We have already extended our profile recommender which you see below every profile now, regardless whether they're active, inactive or deleted. Our most recent new feature is that you will no longer be notified with the heartless "blocked" message, but instead will read: "This member has decided to block you. You can still read the messages but cannot contact him / her anymore. His / her profile is now hidden from you.
Still, we have good news for you:
Check out these matching profiles here. We hope there is someone whom you like and who likes you. Good luck!"
We're confident that you will find your match here and continue making encompassing efforts on your behalf and for you.
Enjoy your time here!
Your DatingPlanet team

04.01.18 Dear friends and members,

New year, new luck!

Our DatingPlanet net team and our affiliates welcome you to a successful, joyous and most of all HAPPY NEW YEAR of 2018!
May it bring you health, good fortune and all the happiness you seek!
For a perfect start, we have updated, modernised and improved our website for you.

Our current changes include:
- a much faster and more effective search - -
- a lot of changes to the Chinese version of the site
- some new options are added in the section "About me" and about partner
Stay tuned for more great changes we gladly make on your behalf.
With the best wishes for your endeavours,
Your DatingPlanet net team

13.02.17 We are excited to announce that our new Selfie contest. We welcome you to view, vote and rate the pictures there!

31.01.17 We have good news for you: our new mobile version is now available to you! Give it a try and discover all the new features it has. If you like the old one better, you are welcome to use it.

26.01.17 A beta version of the new mobile version of the site is released. You can move there here or from the mobile version when you click on the link at the bottom.

19.01.17 We have a new great feature for our users. Now users can make their photos to be viewed only by the people from their Favourites list. All other users will see their photos blurred. It can be set in the tab privacy Settings of Account settings.

04.08.16 We have launched an updated page for feedback. We hope you will appreciate this innovation. Read the words of members and rejoice with those that have met their love.

13.05.16 This website has a spelling and grammar correction function. If you find any errors of this type, please use your mouse to select the incorrect text and then press SHIFT-ENTER.

10.05.16 Some more questions are added in the profile: questions about where the person wants to live, his income, if he/she is ready to take travel expenses and so on. You can find them in the section "About me"

08.05.16 If you have a problem with the site or with your Internet connection these days, we are very sorry, but we can't do anything with it.
It happens because of the biggest DDoS attack in history that is going on on now in the Internet. It causes problems for Internet users around the world.

04.03.16 We changed the system of notifications from the site and made it more informative and useful for you. Now every day we will send to the users, who subscribed to the receiving of the notifications, the list of users, who registered within previous 24 hours and who match them according to many criteria, i.e.the purposes of communication, requirements to the partner, mail filters, local or international dating settings, also taking into consideration the requirements to the partner of these users.

03.03.16 We are glad to inform you that we have a new option on our website - the goals of communication. Now you can quickly find users, who have the same purposes in communication as you. Serious relationships, romantic adventures, language study - set your purposes of communication in the corresponding section to find today whom you have been looking for.

12.01.16 We have moved to a new system of cities and countries. They are shown now in different languages (not only as English and Russian). Their number is only enlarged and corrected.

12.10.15 Great news. We have changed the site policy and now not only men, but women also can pay for subscription and receive premium rights. Women who pay for this premium rights can communicate with standard members (men who put photos in their profiles ) without restrictions.

16.09.15 Yandex moved to a new authentification of users and we have now made some changes so that users can log in through new yandex system.

03.08.15 Video chat has changed its form. Because of the overload to our servers, we have moved to a new model of calls. You do not need any more to activate video chat panel. If you and your partner have accepted the possibility to call, then you can always easily make a video call to each other from your mailbox. There won't be any call sound, another person will see an invitation to go to the video chat in a letter from you. The video calls are now available also in a mobile version (except iOS).

29.06.15 We are pleased to announce that a beta-version of a FREE audio/video chat on the site is available. At present, it works only on the desktop version of the site, i.e. usual computers or mobile devices that use the desktop version of the site. It works only in the Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Yandex.browser and the latest version of Opera webbrowsers. At present, no browsers of iPad, iPhone support it (you can ask Apple why they prohibited it on all browsers of iOS). It is an experimental feature and we do not guarantee that it will work on your computer. The option is not available for Limited members.

18.06.15 Winks were returned back due to many requests. Winks, voting, postards and so on are also counted as letters and need to be answered if you wish to keep your reply rate high.

22.05.15 A new feature was introduced on the site: the "Reply Rate". From 26 May all the first letters to users will be counted. If a user replies often "the Reply Rate" will be high, if he/she replies rarely, then "the Reply Rate" will be low. "The Reply Rate" at present is not counted for Limited members.
If you would like to demonstrate a will to communicate, then leave as little as possible incoming first letters without response. If a user has a low "Reply Rate", then the user replies rarely, if it is high then the probability of response is much higher.
Sending winks and ice-breaks was discontinued, as it is will be wrong if the person will receive winks, but to save a high Reply Rate he/she will need to send a meaningful response. Postcards, notifications on adding to the list of favourites and high votes in a photo contest are not considered to be a first letter.

18.05.15 We apologize for inconvinience. There was a problem on the site from Friday to Sunday and some people were shown as online though they were not. In the information in their profiles now it is shown the right data- the last date when they were on the site.

07.05.15 For the users' convenience we have inserted the filtering of new incoming messages (first letters). Now you can insert there the age and countries of the users, from which you do not wish to receive messages. For protection against the circumvention of this system, the limitation on the change of country and birthdate was implemented in the users' accounts. Now it can be done only through support.

13.04.15 We implemented reward system and %{reward_num} rewards were given to different users

13.04.15 Video calls between users were implemented

13.04.15 Activity feed (login activity feed and new events activity feed) are implemented

17.02.15 You can see the exact date when each user was online.

17.02.15 All users who did not come to the site for some time have been hidden.

17.02.15 You can now see if a letter was read or not. You can see it if you open your communication with this user.

17.02.15 The links in the header now open to show all users who are online, registered this 24 hours or logged. If a user is hidden , then it shows a sign - "hidden user". In other case, you can see their profiles.

06.08.14 We have stopped sending notification about new letters by skype because skype has decided to stop supporting this feature


14.07.14 We are happy to announce a new feature - a new part in Home is added : Last ads on the Pinboard.

11.06.13 Photos can be added now to posts and comments in the forum.

22.05.13 Chat for the mobile version is corrected. Now you can chat from mobile phones and tablets.

16.05.13 Now you can import photos from your account in social nets. If you wish to try it, click on "My profile" on the top panel of the site and choose "My photos" in the rolling menu

14.05.13 We are beginning to deploy the mobile version of the site - some of the pages will be shown in the new version. All other pages will be added to the mobile version a bit later.

14.05.13 The translation through google translation software did not work for several days but now is alive.

29.03.13 If you have a problem with the site or with your Internet connection these days, we are very sorry, but we can't do anything with it.
It happens because of the biggest DDoS attack in history that is going on on now in the Internet. It causes problems for Internet users around the world.

13.04.12 We are pleased to announce that after a long delay and a lot of work we now have a program for our users to chat. At this time it is only for those users that have Flash player on their devices. In a few days time we will have a special site, where those users who don't have Flash player, can also login and chat. You will also have the ability to search for people who are in chat. Finally - "Please enjoy!"

19.01.12 Now you can add to your account several emails and verify them, and choose any moment the email on which you wish to receive notifications. Find all these settings in the account settings and PLEASE VERIFY YOUR EMAIL. FIND A VERIFICATION LETTER from us IN YOUR MAILBOX OR SPAM BOXES.

19.01.12 Great news! We are growing! But it has its drawbacks, we are being paid attention by organization that works searching for spammers in Internet (as we have a lot of notifications sent). Till now we managed to prove them that we did not send any spam and we send notifications only to those users who ask for it. But it demands a lot of time and effort from our side. That's why we will use the next several days to verify emails for those users who want to receive notifications about new letters and about new users.

31.03.11 We are continuing to update the site and have redesigned the psychological test to add additional native languages, in addition to Russian, English, German and Italian.

28.03.11 We have launched an updated page for feedback. We hope you will appreciate this innovation. Read the words of members and rejoice with those that have met their love.

02.03.11 Link your account with social net where you participate

25.02.11 Soon we will add possibility to tie your account also to Twitter, VK, Gmail and some other popular systems.

25.02.11 A new feature is added. Now you can tie your account on the site to your Facebook account. It will allow you to login to the site through your Facebook account without the need of remembering your password and username.

14.02.11 Good news! Following multiple requests from our users we added new function on the site - Who Viewed My profile. Now you can always know who opened and viewed your profile. Do not forget to send messages to your visitors to thank them for the visit. Maybe it will be the first step to getting acquainted and developing a dialogue with them.

11.01.11 This website has a spelling and grammar correction function. If you find any errors of this type, please use your mouse to select the incorrect text and then press SHIFT-ENTER.

26.11.10 Our home page has been redesigned. Now you can find the important information about your account in one place. Please, send your suggestions to support ;-) .

26.11.10 Now you can add Skype as your contact (in setting information). If you add Skype then your will receive notifications about your new letters there.